Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Potty Training!

I am so proud of JT. I decided to keep him home this week since David is OOT. It would be easy getting him to daycare but Ryan is always napping when it's time to pick him up at noon or 12:30. So I felt this was the perfect time to bite the bullet. I'm so glad I waited until JT was ready. He goes every now and then for fun but I finally told him that he would have no more diapers! Daycare has him going to the potty with everyone as well and was sending him home in pull ups. SO, I feel if he can do it for them, he can do it for us! And he is. He's finally loving it too. Even wants to stand up like a "big boy!" He still won't do number 2. It really takes him a long time to finish so when that needs to happen he does get his diaper on. But he wears his big boy undies all day and goes to pp all the time! He's so proud of himself. He gets one chocolate about every other time. He loves to just run around in his underware at home but I got a great shot of him out in the backyard riding his tractor! Since it's not appropriate to take a picture of him going potty, I thought this was the next best thing!! So, we're done with diapers for JT.

I am done buying formula for Ryan too! He takes milk with no problem. Unlike JT, where I had to slowly introduce milk to him with his formula. I'm hoping that once Ryan is on milk only he'll finally get hungry enough to eat real food. He still take a couple of bites of whatever we give but doesn't eat enough for a meal. I keep trying but it doesn't work. He starts spitting it all out and makes a mess. SO, he's still a snacker! That's ok, he's certainly not malnurished! It's just going to be nice to save about $100 a month now...no box of diapers ($20) and no formula ($75 plus!)

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